The naming system for personalities has been compared with the ones used into a dummied English official translation that was hidden inside the 3DS version of DQ, that was never released outside Japan. It also restores two paragraphs from the ending narration that didn’t appear.
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This translation has been done from scratch by Rod Mérida, parting from the only pre-existing English translation of this ROM from Japanese to English that was complete, made by DQTranslations the resulting script has been betatested and reviewed by Damniel Vyp a second betatesting turn of certain parts of the game has been carried by Víctor López, from Mexico, and RealGaea, from Argentina all of them members or in collaboration with Crackowia translation group.Īdded to translating all the field dialogs, menus, inventory items and battle messages, this patch is the first one for this ROM, in a Western language, not to include certain bugs, like the ones that disorder and mess many item descriptions, when checked by a female Dealer, or the one that corrupted and erased your saved game if your Bag has been sorted alphabetically, and then you save. It’s my pleasure to present to this community today the first translation, in history, of Dragon Quest III for SNES to the Spanish language.
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Feel free to use them to start your own translation!

The BGM has been restored to its original state.Īdditionally, tools related to the translation have been made available on Github.The title screen has been restored and features a proper Credits splash screen.

The names and descriptions of all Booster Packs have received a complete retranslation.The translations of the Duelist Profiles in the List of Duelists have been replaced with the translations available on Yugipedia (except Crow’s, which had to be translated from scratch).Alphabetical sorting in the deck editor has been fixed.The names of a few characters have been changed: Fudo Yusei is now Yusei Fudo, the names of Bawnji, Syun and Yuma have been restored.This includes all members of Team 5D’s, as well as most non-duelist NPCs. The overworld dialogs of some characters have been revised.The original translation has been kept in places where it was already accurate.